Moving Stress and How to Deal With It

Moving. The word, the thought, the work – can take us to a place of despair. It’s like the biggest weekend homework assignment of your life. Depending on how much you need to move, of course. If you’re not a tiny house dweller or true minimalist, chances are you have a house full of stuff that needs to be organized, packaged, moved, unpacked, reorganized and put in place in your new home. Big and small. 

And moving your lifelong collection of stuff  isn’t the only stress moving can bring to the surface. What if you’re moving to a completely different city or state? Will you adapt and like the new surroundings, will you make new friends, will your children make new friends? There’s a lot that can go through our minds when we think about change. Some people enjoy and look forward to change, while for others it may bring on stress and anxiety thinking about leaving their comfort zones. Here are some ways you can help yourself and your family to take away and alleviate some of the stress from moving:

Simply put, change your mindset. This doesn’t mean not to acknowledge all the responsibilities or tasks that go along with a move, but try to look at these things differently, in a positive and productive way. If you think about going through all of your belongings and only taking with you what you truly need and want, and getting rid of stuff you didn’t even remember you had, this is a good thing! An opportunity to let go of the old and lighten your load. Declutter, donate, re-purpose. Changing our view on the benefits of moving can greatly improve the process.

Organize and prioritize. Don’t wait until the last minute to do everything. Make a list of all of the tasks you need to take care of like changing your address, changing utility company information, canceling subscriptions. Prepare for packing by making a categorized list of your items, what kind of boxes and containers you need, labels, tape, markers, etc. Having all of your tools at the ready will avoid the stress of not having them when you need them. 

Research your new city. If you’re moving to a completely new location and don’t know much about it, do some digging online! Check out the popular local restaurants, look for nature trails and parks, find the closest coffee shop to your new address. Community meet-up groups are a great way for new people in town to meet and make connections. 

Hire a professional moving company. If you are able, hiring professionals to help with you packing, loading, trekking and unloading is a huge weight off your shoulders. No stress of asking friends and family to use their weekend in the most dreadful and strenuous way possible, and you’re able to focus on all the logistics and personal planning you need to tend to. Whether you hire for the full gamut of the moving process, which can include movers coming into your home and actually packing for you, or just the day-of work of transporting your furniture and boxes, the professional help is one we’d recommend if it’s in your budget.

Don’t take too long settling in. We get it, moving is exhausting, and the thought of now going through the stress of unpacking and putting away all that stuff is one we want to put off and avoid. You should give yourself a little time to rest and decompress, however, getting your new home in order will allow you to sit back, relax and get comfy in your new place. You know you’d feel much better sitting on the couch and having a view of a finished and decorated room, rather than 3 boxes in the corner and your framed art standing against the wall. Wouldn’t it be nice to open a cupboard and grab a glass, instead of pilfering through which (hopefully labeled) box it’s in? Getting settled will help you feel grounded and ready to take on this new chapter of your life.

We hope some of these suggestions help you if you’re finding yourself stressed out about moving. It’s obviously not the most fun thing in the world, but it doesn’t have to be the absolute worst, either!

Essential Tips for Moving During a Pandemic

Whether you had this move planned months ago, or it’s an unexpected and consequential circumstance of the Coronavirus global pandemic, moving during a crisis like this can be daunting, and rightfully so. Not only are you met with the usual annoyances of a move, but now you have the added nuisance of dealing with it during one of the most unusual and difficult times our country has ever gone through. We’ve come up with a list of tips and suggestions to help you prepare for and get through the process of moving, and get you to your new home safely:

If you are choosing to use a professional moving company, make sure you have a list of prepared questions that you can ask with any and all concerns you can think of. Some examples are:

  • “What precautions are you taking to ensure the health and safety of your crew,  drivers and customers?”
  • “Will packers and drivers be equipped with PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and hand sanitizer?”
  • “What precautions do you recommend I take while doing my part in keeping within safety guidelines?”

Avoid in-person surveys and quotes by doing them virtually. While we are still strongly suggested to conduct no-contact communications and transactions, traditional in-person estimates may be unnecessary if your moving company can accommodate a virtual survey. Here are some things you can do to be prepared for a virtual tour and estimate:

  • Have your phone or tablet fully charged and make sure your wifi signal is strong and working
  • Make sure there is sufficient lighting for the surveyor to be able to get a clear view of the space and contents you are packing and moving 
  • Have a tape measure on hand for any on-the-spot questions from the surveyor
  • Open all closets, pantries and cabinets so the contents inside are in view
  • Show the surveyor the path to and from the entrance of your home and where the moving truck will be parked including its surrounding areas 

Moving day has arrived, and you’re ready to have it go seamlessly and efficiently. Here’s what you can do make sure you avoid close contact and practice safety guidelines, and how you can still be accessible to the movers:

  • Make sure you’ve disinfected objects and surfaces that the crew will come into contact with, such as doorknobs, light switches, counters, cabinets, etc. 
  • Organize and label boxes and objects with special instructions
  • Maintain a 6ft distance while communicating with the crew
  • Have a set plan and schedule with the moving company and team leader ahead of time to avoid any same-day confusion 
  • Make sure you have direct contact information for the team leader and that they have your direct contact information for real-time questions and concerns 

We hope these tips will help you should you find yourself moving during these uncertain times. With the guidance and compliance of a good moving company, and your own precautionary steps to protect yourself, your family, and the people helping you during your move, you can get through a seemingly dreadful situation safely and as quickly as possible so that you can get settled into your new home.

Ways To Save Big On Your Next Move

Moving sucks. That’s right. We said it. It is a hassle, a pain, and a major drain on resources. We don’t blame you for wanting to hire movers. (And like, we totally love that you do.) But even though it’s an expense worth paying, you don’t have to shell out every penny doing it. These are our favorite ways to help you save money on your next move.

Pack Yourself!
Yes. It seems like a pretty easy first guess. And it is. But to be completely honest, packing is what takes up most of the time and resources in a move. The more stuff you have, the more men you’ll need to get it all done in a timely manner. If you’re being charged at an hourly rate, packing yourself will save you tons of time.

Packing doesn’t have to be a big scary monster, either. Unless you end up having to move in a matter of days, start preparing as soon as the sale is finalized. Regardless of your situation, here are some special tips for easy packing.

Get Rid Of It
This is time consuming in a way, yes, but it also saves you time – and resources – in the long run. When you go through all your things – presumably as you’re packing – and decide whether to keep or toss, you can save space in the boxes and any bubble or paper wrapping it might need. Not only that, but you’ll have less to physically move on the day of and subsequently unpack in your new home.

You can give old items to homeless shelters where they’ll go directly to an individual for good use. Job interview-appropriate clothing, towels, bedding, bags, and water canteens are always welcome at a shelter. Here they can be the difference for change.

Pack With A Plan
When you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff in your house there is to pack, divide it up into chunks. Just like your mom used to cut your grilled cheese into small bites, do your packing in installments. Start with least used/seasonal items. Holiday decorations and what have you should already be packed away, for the most part.

In areas like the kitchen, pack away all but a place setting for each family member and essential kitchen tools/appliances. Plan your meals so you use only a few dishes for each meal. If you can fill up and run your dishwasher every night, you’ll be fine. Then the last day before you move, pack the rest away and take yourself out for dinner.

Don’t Pay For Packing Materials
The cost of packing materials can surprise you. One of the easiest ways to save up on these expenses is by hitting up retail and grocery stores and asking if they’ve got any boxes from inventory shipments they’re getting rid of. You might even be able to ask when they typically receive shipments so you can pick them up promptly.

Using those coupon flyer books that we all still receive in the mail to wrap your dishes is an excellent way to not only save money, but repurpose a paper product. When you’re finished, toss it in the recycling bin where it belongs. It’s a win for everyone.

Move It Or Lose It

Planning a move is quite the headache. A headache which only intensifies the farther away your move happens to be. When your move is across town, that’s one thing. Across state lines is another thing entirely. The cost to move increases with the distance. At a certain point, you may find yourself wondering if it’s really worth the money to move all your things or just upgrade with the new home. To make this decision, consider these factors.


The first step you inevitably take during a move is gathering estimates from potential movers. There are several things that affect this estimate. Time, types of service, floors in a house, weight, bulky/irregular shaped items, and distance are all going to affect your final cost. 

Let’s start with time. Your moving company may price by the hour, or a flat rate. Your decision to choose between these rates will depend on how far you have to travel and how much packing you plan on doing. If you leave all the packing up to the movers, it’s going to take longer. The amount of stairs they have to go up and down will affect how quickly they can move. 

As we just mentioned, you can hire movers to simply move your items, or perform a full service of packing, moving, and unpacking/assembling your items. For things like beds and sectional couches, if you were to buy new items it’s likely that delivery and installation would come included. You’ll still have to get your old items out of the house, but this is where you could potentially save some money by purchasing new bedroom furniture.

The number of floors in your house and how many stairs you have doesn’t just translate into time, it also adds to the effort of the movers. Tight corners and the unbalanced weight makes the job harder and therefore cost more. It isn’t just the house you’re moving out of, it’s the one you’re moving into, as well, that will be added in.

Bulky and irregular shaped items are the other area where it may behoove you to forego moving certain furniture pieces and invest in something new. Weight and shape comes into play when it starts to exceed a certain amount. The heavier and harder to move an item, the more it’s going to cost you. 

What’s The Work-Around?

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you choose to get a new couch instead of moving yours. It’s still going to need to be removed from the house or apartment. If you leave it behind a in a rental property, you could be charged a removal fee. However, if you can get it out to the curb (for the price of some pizza to feed your strong friends) you can request that the city pick it up for free. You can also look into other avenues such as Habitat for Humanity. Often, when you donate to this and similar organizations, if you don’t have a means to drop off the item, they will come to you and pick it up at little or no charge. As for new furniture, delivery and installation options are always available from the seller. Simple research and price comparison will be your best bet to determine which option is right for you. 

When The World’s Your Oyster Where Do You Go?

Technology has advanced our society, undeniably. There isn’t a single facet of our day-to-day lives that isn’t affected or improved by technology. Communication is easier than ever, which means work can be done just about anywhere. With more businesses offering remote capabilities, when it comes to where you grow roots, the world is your oyster. So where do you go?

Big City Life

Live wherever you like? Fly off to the big city and live in the burrough that suits your tastes. You won’t have to worry about a commute, so distance from the office and traffic won’t be an issue to consider. In larger cities, you’re close to major airport hubs, which makes travel easier and less expensive. You’re also surrounded by attractions like restaurants, theatres, museums, and parks. Coastal cities such as New York or LA are teeming with activity. There’s always something to do or see, somewhere to go. Perhaps the only drawback to these larger metropolises is the cost of living. Commodities such as food, gas, and housing are all drastically higher than and rural counterparts.

Take It Easy In The Suburbs

Suburban life isn’t all that bad. They’re close enough to the big city that making the trip isn’t a huge hassle or time suck. Yet, far enough away to have a slower tempo without being a ghost town. Cost of living is slightly cheaper and you still have access to anything you could need. You can also own more property on a more modest income. A Manhattan penthouse will run you in the neighborhood of a mere $6.7 million. That same chunk of cheddar could get you enough land to start your own town in the right suburb. What you would spend on rent for a two bed two bath apartment in central urban areas, you could spend in mortgage payments on a four bedroom house with a backyard and garage. 

Cities On The Rise

Further in to the country, you can expect to pay even less. Some up and coming cities are even offering incentives to move to the neighborhood with the hopes that you’ll plant roots and invest in the town itself. Smaller cities such as Tulsa and Reno are gaining traction in upping their appeal to younger generations. More businesses are testing the waters, populations are growing, and there’s more to do at half the cost of living. You may not have as much variety as you would with a massive city, and travel to airports will be more of a chore, however the money you save without a commute, in a more affordable city, and you can jet off to the big cities for some fun whenever the mood strikes or Southwest has a sale. After all, you work remotely. All you need is an internet connection to get your work done. Escape to whatever destination, park it in a coffee shop and enjoy the sights at night. 

With all the options at your feet, where will you land?

You Can’t Take It With You, But These Places Will Take It For You

Moving is an opportunity to take stock of what you’ve been holding onto in your life. It’s the perfect moment to objectively step back and think to yourself, ‘Do I really need this?’ It’s human nature to hold onto useless things simply because we have them. For more serious cases, hoarding, there’s an emotional attachment, a sense of comfort and security that goes along with all this stuff. But for the normal, non-hoarder there’s still plenty of junk we just keep around because we don’t care to spend time evaluating its necessity to our lives, much less the effort of actually getting rid of it. Until you have to pack it all into boxes and move it to an entirely different house, city, state, or even country. 

Where your stuff end up, however, is equally important. Yes, last resort there is always the trash can. However, you should avoid overloading your dumpster – and later the landfill – with your unwanted stuff. Conservation goes beyond saving water and electricity. You also aren’t limited to just the Salvation Army. Here’s our list of places that will take your unwanted items and repurpose or recycle them for the betterment of society at large. 


The easiest thing to get rid of – and what we all have plenty of – is clothing. Now, with Thanksgiving here and gift-giving holidays right around the corner, is the absolute best time to empty your closet as you’ll be able to take advantage of sales and probably receive some gift-cards in your stocking. Before you go Goodwill, we ask that you first look for shelters in your area that accept clothing donations. Most – if not all – of them will readily take your clothing. 

Let’s hone in on something more specific: job interview appropriate clothing. This is an absolutely vital donation item to shelters that house the homeless. While it’s possible that you can be homeless and still have a job, there are many in shelters that don’t have either. Donating your lightly used work appropriate clothing provides a stronger opportunity for someone to get back on their feet. 

Retailers Recycle

It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t this time. Several clothing retailers will take your clothing and shoes and recycle them, often giving back to other institutions such as Habitat for Humanity and Nature conservation groups. Not only will they take your clothes off your hands, but they will give you a reward of a percentage or specified money amount off towards your next purchase. Some retailers include H&M, Levi’s, The North Face, and Madwell. 

Local Artists

Especially if you live in boomin arts community, some of your unwanted junk may be an artists treasure. Old pieces of metal, wood, glass, electronics, you name it, they may just have a purpose for it. Find your local artists community and ask if they’re taking donations. 

Electronics and Paint

Just like with clothing, retailers like Verizon will take your old electronic devices and ensure they are recycled properly. Paint stores will take care of your old paint and supplies, though we recommend keeping your tools for the many paint projects you’re likely to embark on in your new home. You can also do a search for community operated E-waste recycling centers. It’s an additional trip, but worth it to save the environment and closet space from all that waste.

City On The Rise: Tulsa, Oklahoma

It’s no secret. The Midwest is steadily gaining in tech and industry. While it’s still no coastal city, there’s plenty to attract young professionals to this region of the country. Gone are the days of being exclusively oil-based, now businesses are turning an eye to the tech and start-up sectors. One such city that’s using all its forces to entice new business and residents is Tulsa, Oklahoma. Currently a popular Google search topic thanks to HBO’s new series The Watchmen, Tulsa may have a less than sterling past, but a bright future ahead of itself.

Tulsa Remote is currently offering young professionals in tech, writing, and research the chance of a lifetime. $10,000 to move to Tulsa where they’ll live and work for a year. Fully-furnished apartments, remote offices, and regular networking meetups are also a part of this plan. The hope is that once folks get a taste of this big city with a small town feel, they’ll be ready to lay down roots, becoming full-fledged members of society who participate in arts and culture, or even run for local government. With that kind of risk-free incentive, what’s not to love? But you’re probably wondering what exactly awaits you in this unknown location. Let us tell you.

Tulsa has long been a test market for corporate chain and franchise businesses for the Midwest for a long time. With Tulsa University, the city boasts all kinds of demographics from college students, to families, to young singles living and working around town. But it isn’t only corporate eats you’ll find. Utica Square offers everything from small cafes and bakeries to health conscious eateries to fine dining, and yes, the corporate chains.

Tulsa plays host to some of the best festivals around, most notably their Oktoberfest, which ranks in the Top Ten in the nation. They also bring in folks from all over the state with their Tulsa Tough Cycling race. Other festivals such as Mayfest feature more arts and culture, and St. Patty’s Block Party celebrates… well, you can figure that one out. Open to all ages, there’s attractions for families and 21+ crowds alike.

Arts & Entertainment
National tours bring Broadway to you, and the Tulsa PAC is one of their favorite stops. Hit Broadway shows such as Hamilton, Waitress, and Fiddler on the Roof have all had their turn there. Concerts come in and out of the BOK and Cain’s Ballroom constantly. There’s also the arts department of Tulsa University with their stunning performances in dance, music, and drama for residents to delight in.

Family Fun
If you’ve already got a family, or plan to grow one soon, then Tulsa has everything imaginable for your crew to do on the weekends. The Gathering Place is a massive public park with specialized play areas for every age group. Only a 15 minute drive outside of the city to Turkey Mountain offers an escape from the downtown city life with beautiful bike trails that can be enjoyed by all. If you’re more of a reader, Cry Baby Hill is the perfect place for you. There’s even a bit of a sports scene with the TU Golden Hurricanes, Tulsa Drillers baseball, and the Roughneck soccer team.

Bars! Bars! Bars abound in Tulsa! It’s not just boot-scootin’ boogie type bars either. The plethora of themes you can pick from on any given night include: Retro, Bowling, Cycling, Tiki, LGBT, Country, Music and Dance clubs. Craft cocktails can be found in the Tulsa Arts District at Valkyrie, complete with a wall of spirits there’s no limit to what you can enjoy.

All in all, you’ll never run out of things to do in Tulsa. A hidden gem in the heartland, this cosmopolitan city with all it has to offer will make you feel like you’re living on the coast, but at half the cost. You’re never far away from nature or city life. You can grow as an individual or family and be richer for it.

Questions To Ask Your Movers

Moving is so not fun. Well, it’s exciting because you get a fresh start in a new house, sometimes in a new city or state. But the actual process of moving is tedious, and at times overwhelming. You have to set up new utilities, change you information on your driver’s license and with businesses that take your money (rude). You may need to find a new doctor or pediatrician, which means getting copies of all your medical records and transferring them over. Then there’s the actual moving. This involves packing, getting rid of stuff, and transporting it from the old house to the new. It’s completely understandable why you would want to hire movers. They take care of the boring stuff for you. The back-breaking labor of getting that giant sectional out of your tiny front door, into the new tiny front door and in its new home. 

But, just like with any service, you want to know that you’re getting the best possible team of professional movers to help you in this stressful time. The last thing you want on moving day is to have to deal with a set of movers that aren’t what you thought they would be. Well, consider yourself saved. We’re here with a set of questions to pose to potential moving companies that will ensure you hire the right people for the job.


Obviously, you want to be crystal clear on the rate, as well as what it includes. How many movers will be helping that day? Does the rate include packing as well as moving, or is the packing responsibility left up to you? Can you reduce the rate by packing yourself? Are you paying mileage for gas in the rates quoted? Does the rate include tip? How many hours will you have your movers, if it’s just across town? For cross-country moving, does the rate include hotel expenses for your movers? Get as detailed an account as you can of what exactly you’re paying for.


What is it? Moving companies are not allowed to sell you any insurance, but they are obligated to provide some type of insurance along with their service. Released value protection is the bare minimum. It won’t cover the full cost of any lost or damaged item, but they typically cover between $0.30 and $0.60 per pound of an item. If your company provides Full Value Protection, they maintain liability for your belongings including repairs, replacement, or reimbursement for the current market value of the broken piece. Even with full value protection some items still won’t be covered; items that qualify as being of extraordinary value. 

As there is no federal regulation for what movers must include in their insurance beyond released value, the terms and conditions are specific to each company. Ask your moving company what is included in their insurance, the cost for extra insurance, as well as any loopholes included in their contract. Sometimes, when you pack your own belongings it releases the moving company of liability for broken items. If this is the case and you’re thinking of saving a few bucks by packing yourself, you might want to reconsider this option for better protection during the move. Oftentimes, no one intends to break your personal treasures, but accidents happen and that’s the point of insurance.

If you’re still not satisfied with the insurance offered by your moving company, you can opt to buy extra insurance from a third party. These third party companies actually work with moving companies, but because movers aren’t allowed to sell you insurance, these guys step in to cover the rest of your needs. But before you jump the gun on this option, check with your renters or homeowners insurance. Your policy and plan may already cover moving insurance. Without federal regulations, these details definitely change from state to state, so do your research and come to the conclusion that’s right for you.


Once you’ve chosen and hired your movers it’s time to discuss the gritty little details. When can you expect their arrival? When can you expect to shove off to the new house? You’ll also want to have the proper contact information for your movers and a plan of action should you get separated. For in-state or city moves, this most likely won’t happen. Larger cross-country moves, though, it’s vital to both your security and sanity that you have a designated meeting point and chain of communication should you be separated along the way. With cell phones, it shouldn’t be too hard to coordinate these details, but you never know when someone’s going to forget their car charger and run out of battery. Better safe than sorry.

Hiring movers is a huge bonus if you can swing it. They take the brunt of the work and stress off your hands. As with any business, though, you want to know you’re giving yours to the right people. With these inquiries you can be sure that you’re set up for success and stress-free on your big day.

Benefits of Hiring The Pros

Moving is a massive drain. There’s absolutely nothing fun about it. Unless you happen to be the spawn of Marie Kondo and really get your kicks organizing and decluttering. But it’s long, tedious work, especially if you’ve lived in your current home long enough to have junk drawers and closets. (Isn’t it crazy how much stuff we tend to accumulate over time and never think about throwing away a shirt that’s been in the bottom of the drawer so long it looks stale?)

So for the average person who doesn’t just relish the opportunity to pack all their belongings in boxes and haul it across town – or country – there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: professional movers. Yes, you can hire people to do all that awful, back-breaking work for you. It’s an added expense, but let’s take a look at the reasons why you should hire movers (in case your arm hasn’t already been twisted).


Is there any better reason? Hiring movers means you completely eliminate the stress of having to physically pack everything into boxes and taken to its new home yourself. Cramming all your worldly possessions into a bunch of boxes can be a truly daunting task. Just cut it out of your life entirely and leave it to the professionals so you can breathe easy and focus on the other hundred thousand tasks you have before your big move.

Frees Up Time

Not only is the thought of packing your entire house enough to send one into a spiral of stress, but there’s also the amount of time it actually takes to accomplish this marathon of a task. Most people barely have time to eat three square meals a day let alone think about when they’re going to fit packing into their schedule. With movers, you don’t have to worry about this. If anything, your only responsibility is going through the stuff you don’t use or need much anymore. There’s no sense in packing and moving items that aren’t going to be used. 

Safety Guarantee

Wanna know something else that’s panic inducing about moving? The thought of your fragile, sentimental, passed down from generations valuables being smashed and utterly ruined during your move. With professional movers, everything is packed in such a way that your delicate valuables will be protected no matter the distance of your more.

Less Physically Exhausting

If you’ve ever moved anywhere – by yourself – you know the physical demands moving places on your body. If you’re a gym rat, it might not be any more difficult than your regular workout routine. If you don’t even think about going to the gym, you’re in for a sore several days following your move. Even if you are a physically fit person, the act of moving is a marathon. It’s an all day event of heavy lifting and walking (sometimes backwards) with large cumbersome objects. You’re already going to have to unpack everything in the new home. Save yourself a lot of fatigue and leave it to the professionals.    

Time Management For Big Moves

A lot goes into moving, especially the longer you’ve been in your home. Even more so when your move is cross-country, or anywhere outside of your general area. But, often times there’s no other option. Careers being what they are and start-ups popping up all over the nation (tech being one of the main culprits) can lead to a complete uprooting of your life. Like that isn’t stressful enough; new job, new town, new everything. Then there’s the task of actually moving.

Like we mentioned, the longer you’ve been in your home, the more stuff you’ve accumulated over the years. So the simple task of packing up your house can take weeks all by itself. But it isn’t just packing that you need to think about, there’s much, much more. For such stressful endeavors, having a timeline for your move (with a list of things to cross off at specific times) is the secret weapon to mastering a big move. Create your own timeline by following these guidelines.

8 Weeks Away

If you’re given this luxury, two months away from your move is the time to get balls rolling. First and foremost, you need to take care of the place you’re leaving. If it’s a rental, contact your landlord. If you own your home, on the market it goes. As with any commercial business, consult your friends and local review sites to help you find the best realtor for you. Grab a binder and some dividers to keep all this paperwork organized and easy to find.

Next, you’ll want to take stock of what’s in your home and consider whether to hire movers (very helpful the farter away your move it, honestly) or go it alone. Do you research and find the right company for you (and always get a written contract).

Once you’ve come to your decision, drawing up an inventory list of all the items in your home (categorized, if you’re so Type A) and decide here and now what you want to take and what you want to leave. The less stuff you have to move, the more money you save. When it comes to furniture condition, sentimental value, and cost to move versus buying new will help you decide what stays and what goes. Lastly, start saving newspaper and coupon flyers for packing. These are great, and free, for wrapping glass.

6 Weeks Away

Start packing! Yes. That sounds crazy. But you’ll be surprised by how long it takes to pack one room, let alone a whole house. Start with storage; seasonal things that you plan to keep, but don’t use as often and things you don’t need right now.

As you pack and sort, put all the leave behind items in bags and boxes and take them to the proper donation sites. If you’re getting rid of clothing, consider a shelter instead of a thrift store. Job Appropriate clothing in particular can give someone in need that extra boost to turn their life around.

If you’re moving out of town or farther, you’ll need to start gathering all your medical records (pets, too) and looking for new physicians. Keep these in an accordion folder and easily accessible should an emergency arise. Scheduling a check-up for pets and family during these next two weeks is also advisable to ensure everyone is at peak health. Lastly, begin the change of address process.

4 Weeks Away

Lock down your moving arrangements. Whether it’s a helping hand from friends or the movers you’ve hired, touch base and make sure everything is on schedule.

Travel arrangements. If you’re driving, get your car(s) fully inspected now so you have the time and funds to make any repairs that are needed. The last thing you want is to break down en route in the middle of nowhere. If you’re flying, book your flights and secure trustworthy freight for your vehicles.

The packing continues. If your movers are also packing, it’s still a good idea (considering how much stuff you’re bringing) to pack some of your possessions. Movers will usually provide packing materials, but grab some bubble wrap in case there’s something extra valuable you want to handle.

2 Weeks Away

Check with your utilities companies about turning off or transferring services. Contact the companies in your new city and set up services for when you arrive.  

Check your pantry! It’s a waste of money to throw away food. Get creative and start cooking everything you’ve got. You can always stick your non-perishables in a grocery bag and take them with you (PB&J sandwiches for the road trip are gold), but don’t waste any boxes on food.

Set aside boxes for the things you’ll be packin the days before you move. If you need more boxes, grab them now. Not having to run to the store for more boxes at zero hour will save you time and stress.

Organize your going away party! Whether it’s in your home, at a restaurant or bar, or at a friends house, you will want one night where there’s no packing, no moving, just a long moment to enjoy time with all the people who love and will miss you. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to be a good time.

The Week Of

Revisit your list. Where are you? Are all contracts signed, sealed, and delivered? Is there anything you’re behind on? Don’t fret. More important than anything is that you’re rested and feeling good about where you are in the process.

Leave out a good knife, cutting board, skillet, pot, baking sheet, baking dish, spatula, and plates, cups, and silverware. You can make a variety of food with these items, and they’ll all fit in one large box. Plan your meals for this week to save some money and grab those groceries. Pack the final dishes away 2 days before moving and treat yourself to one last meal at your favorite restaurant the night before moving day. No one wants to do dishes the day before they move.

All In All

Your schedule might vary depending on the amount of time you actually have before your planned move. Adjust these finer points to fit your needs and you’ll be organized and less stressed.